Saturday, September 12, 2009

An artist is always alone - if he is an artist. No, what the artist needs is loneliness.

Recently the past week i have been volunteering at the Absolut Fringe festival and for every shift we do, we get to go to an event for free. I looked through the events and couldn't choose but i kept coming back to The Enemies.

The Enemies is based on a story by author Jorge Luis Borges entitled 'The Secret Miracle'. Although i have never read this book the exhibition was easily comprehendable through the video instalation and what could only be described as a theatrical performance at the ending.

As an audience we follow the last days of the life of the character Hladik the musician. The reason for him being condemed is the fact he is a jew in the evil world of the Nazi's. Throughout his last days of his existence Hladik wishes to finish his music even though the music might never be heard or read again. The audience is shown through video projection, performance and music the isolated sufferings of this character through a multi room instalation.

I found this to be very intriguing and interesting insight into the world of Hladik. I think that the Joinery was the perfect gallery to stage this installation as the size increased the intimacy of the performance. Although the visuals i found to be very interesting and the music the same.

*The Enemies was organised by the Miranda Driscoll and Michael Fleming with the Joinery